Stop by the Headquarters Library March 24 - May 19 to view student artwork on display during the Spartanburg County Public Libraries’ 13th Annual Collegiate Invitational Art Exhibition. For more information email
"My particular love of historical events from our past motivates my desire to keep alive the events within our nation’s history as well as world history. Native American culture within the old west is a favorite subject as this way of life and spiritual thought is something that fascinates me with my subjects depicted through hours of research and conversations with notable historians."
Hayes’ work is stylistically surreal but philosophically different from the intentions of the original surrealists. While her imagery emerges spontaneously, unconsciously they are synthesized and configured intentionally, consciously. She makes creative decisions intuitively or according to an emotional rather than logical sequence. This process is similar to child’s play where logic is relinquished and meaning is implied but the results are not always immediate or definitive.