About Us

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees are appointed by the Spartanburg County Council. The Board holds meetings on the third Thursday at 12:00 p.m.


The Board holds meetings on the third Thursday at 12:00 p.m. A meeting may be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, and at the discretion of the Board Chair and the County Librarian. The Board meets at the Headquarters/Downtown Library but may choose to meet at a branch library. The Board does not meet in July and December.

Board Agendas are posted in Library Administration and online at least 24 hours before the convening of the Board of Trustees’ meeting. If an agenda is not posted, please call 864-596-3507. The Board will approve the posted agenda and approve any changes when the Board convenes. As needed, Board members may conference call into the meeting.


Board of Trustees’ meeting minutes reflect specific action taken by the Board. Board minutes are public documents and available upon request. A document request may fall under the Freedom of Information Act, and associated fees may apply. To review or request a copy of specific minutes, please contact Todd Stephens, County Librarian, at 864-596-3507.

Public Comments

Public comments are welcomed. Please contact Library Administration at 864-596-3507 if you are interested in addressing the Board of Trustees.

The Board’s agenda allots 30 minutes for all public comments. Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes. As a general practice, and out of respect for the speaker, the Board does not engage in conversation with the speaker. This is a set time for the public to address the Board. To ensure availability on the agenda, speakers should contact Library Administration prior to the Board meeting. An individual may not register another person to speak.

Alternative Contact Information

An alternative to publicly addressing the Board an individual may contact Todd Stephens, County Librarian. Mr. Stephens is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is an ex officio member of the Board. Contact information: 596-3507, todds@infodepot.org , or address letters to:

Board of Trustees

Attn: Todd Stephens, County Librarian

Spartanburg County Public Libraries

151 South Church Street

Spartanburg, SC 29306

Mr. Stephens will review and respond to your concerns or comments and report the appropriate information to the Board Chair.


Trustee Name District
John T. E. Cribb, Chairman At-Large
John S. Gooch, Jr., Vice-Chairman 4
Jennifer S. Moore, Secretary 2
Byron J. Morris, Treasurer At-Large
Derham Cole At-Large
Earlene G. Cyrill 6
Paula Petty Dotson 5
English L. J. Gibbs 1
Rodney S. Goode At-Large
Jill Hughey At-Large
Mary Speed Lynch 3
R. Todd Stephens, County Librarian ex officio


2025 2026 2027
January 16 - *meeting will be at 12 noon.
January 15 January 21
February 20 - cancelled February 19 February 18
March 20 - *meeting will be at 12 noon.
March 19 March 18
April 24 April 16 April 15
May 15 May 21 May 20
June 19 June 18 June 17
July (no meeting scheduled) July (no meeting scheduled) July (no meeting scheduled)
August 21 August 20 August 19
September 18 September 17 September 16
October 16 October 15 October 21
November 20 November 19 November 18
December (no meeting scheduled) December (no meeting scheduled) December (no meeting scheduled)